Saturday, January 2, 2010

"Bratten's" Clam Chowder

Like a lot of really good stories this one started long ago (1970's) but not so far away (Sugarhouse.) My co-worker Jo D was talking about peeling potatoes for the traditional Christmas Eve Chowder her mom was making, and me being, well, me, I asked her for the recipe. Her Mom, Jean Walker, agreed to share and I'm making her recipe today for New Year's dinner. Bratten's Clam Chowder (recipe) is apparently well known around these parts. I've spoken to my dental hygienist and my mom about it and they both knew about it. Apparently Bratten's was a seafood restaurant located here, in the middle of Utah. (photo) As I talked about Bratten's to my mom, it came out that there was a story about her, my dad, and "Bratten's."

My Dad's "Bratten's" Story
"It was on Saturday, January 15, 1977.
A moment to remember."
"There was a photographic workshop that day, that I was planning to attend. I asked your mom if she would like to join me. The workshop was being held in Sugarhouse in that old school on 2100 South, between 1100 and 1300 East. At the break, I suggested we have lunch at Bratten's. The restaurant was located just East of 1300 East on 2100 South. I think the building is still there, but Bratten's closed about 15-20 years ago. As we were eating, sitting opposite each other, without any prior planning to do so, responding to an inner thought, I just asked her to marry me at that moment."

Review: I made Bratten's Clam Chowder yesterday and actually followed the recipe. Eric, Gayle, and I had it for lunch with the leftover olive bread. They seemed to like it. The best part of this recipe was the story that came with it.



  1. What a cool story! I don't like clam chowder, but I'm looking for a good creamy potato soup recipe that isn't bacon-y. Randal really likes Johnny Carrino's version, but it's too much bacon flavor. I'd love a recipe for something you could do in a crock pot, or stove top. I am not good at soup yet, but am hoping for some good recipes... like your wonderful chicken noodle soup you made that helped me get well!

  2. Cool, I'm glad the soup helped! Hmm... I think I've got a potato soup recipe somewhere. I'll try to dig it up so I can share it! I've never been to Johnny Carrino's is it good place to eat?

  3. I've made this soup...I've had the recipe for years! And it's sooooo yummy! Glad you found it!!! And shared the story!

  4. Randal and I like to eat there once in a while. I like the skillitini with added chicken and he likes the spicy shrimp something. The bread and oil is good too.
