Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nutella Hot Chocolate

I came across a cookbook titled Hot Chocolate by Michael Turback. There were photos of cocoa on the cover in cool blue mugs, it was just too "warm and fuzzy" a topic not to grab the book off the library shelf and take it home. Later when I had a moment to look through all of the various types of cocoa available to mankind I happened on a recipe for Nutella Hot Chocolate and the story of where Nutella came from. (I recommend reading the story for yourself, pg. 95)

The "nut-shell" version of the story? The spread was first developed by Italian, Pietro Ferrero during WWII when cocoa was being rationed. First called "Supercrema Gianduja" it was made from hazelnuts, that were on hand, and cocoa. The story went on to explain that children would go to the store with bread to get a "shmear" so to speak.
Nutella Hot Chocolate
3/4 C milk
2 heaping T Nutella
Whipped cream

Heat the milk in the microwave for 2 minutes or in a saucepan until warm. Stir in the Nutella. If you're using the microwave put it back in for another minute and stir. Top with whipped cream.

I will have to try this again with the whipped cream, but it was good without it. One to keep in mind for a snow day!

Recipe Source: Hot Chocolate by Michael Turback, pg. 95, Nutella Hot Chocolate by Chuck Silverston, Paris Creperie


  1. Oh my goodness, this sounds wonderful. When I go to the store this week I will be putting Nutella on the list. I can't wait to try the banana and Nutella and now the Nutella hot chocolate. Looks like I will have to put gussets in my pants.

  2. I hope you enjoy! The sandwich is really good! It was funny to thumb thru the Hot Chocolate book and see Nutella -again-. I think kismet is definitely too strong a word for it, but it was an interesting coincidence. I think I'll hide the jar behind the peanut butter for a couple of weeks to avoid the chocolatey temptation. ;) Let me know if you like the sandwich!

  3. What a fabulous idea! It's so simple but oh so delicious! It is one those ideas that you see and you say...why didn't I think of this? From one Nutella addict to another, thanks for sharing!
