Sunday, August 14, 2011

Snow White (Light)

Turn back the calendar to the 1950's, to a small town in Idaho not far from Bear Lake. On the main drag there's a Rexall drug store where my mom worked as a soda jerk. This is the reason we had a "soda fountain" birthday party for her this year. My daughter made a 50's play list, there were pink and grey balloons and streamers and poodle applique decor.
Planning the party, I learned about soda fountain drinks I'd never heard of like Black Cows and Snow White. When the party arrived I decided to try the Snow White (with updated ingredients).
Snow White (Light)
Sprite Zero
Vanilla Frozen Yogurt
Lime (quarter - optional)

Add 1-2 scoops of frozen yogurt to a cup. Pour Sprite Zero over the ice cream until the cup is about 2/3rds full. The drink will bubble up, so wait a minute then add more Sprite Zero to fill the cup. Add the juice from a quarter of a lime. Serve with a straw and spoon.



Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Soup Kitchen

The Soup Kitchen (Sugarhouse, Utah)

The Soup Kitchen is one of the places my husband and the guys from his work used to go to lunch when he worked in Sugarhouse. It's located in an older neighborhood--and is across the street from a used bookstore. Score! You may have a difficult time finding parking, but you can usually find a spot. The prices are reasonable and it's especially nice on a cold, cloudy day. You'll find cool 70's art on the walls, a huge chalk board menu and a clear-your-own table environment that enfolds you in a feeling of "welcome."
Above: The Soup Kitchen Special (SKS) turkey, bacon, swiss sandwich.

They're famous for their chunky breadsticks. The Cream of Tomato soup is so creamy and good it makes me think of the soup described in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory without the blueberry ending. ;)

(The soup is at :21 seconds)

The Soup Kitchen
2012 South 1100 East
Sugarhouse, UT

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