Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Roll Out the Blueberries..."

Cookbook Bites: Whole wheat blueberry pancakes
Whole wheat blueberry pancake.
Everybody now! You don't like sing alongs? Or the song "Roll Out the Barrel?" Fine, just hum along, we're heading into blueberry country anyway!

Tonight I reached for ol' reliable, the Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook. I went to pg. 72, the much loved family "Pancake" recipe; oil stained, dog eared, and yes, this cookbook's been written in. (Don't tell the cookbook police.)
Pancake ingredients
Ingredients for the fluffy buttermilk pancakes

My Version of the BH&G Pancakes

1 C whole wheat flour
2 T sugar
2 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
1 egg
1 C buttermilk
2 T melted butter
1/2-1 t vanilla
Milk (to thin down the batter a little)
1 C Blueberries
1-2 T Butter (to butter the skillet between each pancake)

If you haven't made blueberry pancakes before. Mix the dry ingredients first, then mix in the wet (beat the egg first). I use a measuring cup to pour the batter into the skillet. Next drop the blueberries onto the pancake with plenty of room between them (especially if they're frozen). Make sure to cook these on med-low heat so the blueberries de-thaw and you don't end up with raw batter around the berries. Sound like I'm speaking from experience?

Something other than syrup? My mom taught me to butter the pancake then sprinkle white sugar over the top. If the pancake is thin, roll it up and eat, if not, just use a fork. Happy eating!

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