Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Proud of Him: Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal Cookies
Cookbook Bites: Oatmeal Cookie recipe review
In the kitchen 2 cubes of Tillamook Sweet Cream salted butter are coming to room temperature on the counter. There's just enough time to tell you about why I'm making these cookies. They're not top secret. They might even be so "common" that they're overlooked. They are Eric's favorite cookies and I don't make them often enough. You can find the recipe in your pantry. Where? Just crack open your canister of oatmeal (the canister your teacher might have helped you craft a Thanksgiving drum out of when you were in elementary school-like mine did) and look at the inside of the lid. Yes, it's the Quaker Oats "Vanishing Oatmeal (Without Raisins) Cookies" recipe. Why else am I making these? Well, besides he asked me to bake some again?

PS 3: Toy Story 3
PS3: Toy Story 3
Recently DIMG also known as the Disney Interactive Media Group (the Avalanche Software studio) completed the video game Toy Story 3. A lot of people put in a lot (I mean seriously a lot, a lot!) of time pulling it together. A big "Hip-hip-hooray!" is in order for everyone who worked on the movie and the video game(s) - and their families! Eric's not a programmer, an artist, a game designer... and he down-plays the work he did. He may not have camped out at the office, or put in the hours that the programmers did, but he did his part too. We missed him, but understood. His job, is luckily what he's good at and what he enjoys and--he loves working for Disney! He makes things work all smooth like. If there's a bump in the road, he's there making everything peachy again. Networks are happier, the data flows better, computers bee-bop along - it's a good place for someone like him with his Disney-friendly IT skills to work. Here's to you Eric, for long hours, dedication, and supporting the people at your studio (and here's to the next games too and the fun they will share) while managing to maintain a presence at home. Happy Father's Day!

I had to include this picture of the mixer dancing. Looks like the Nat Geo pics I've seen of Whirling Dervishes. Well, with a little imagination...

Quaker Oats Vanishing Oatmeal Cookies
2 Sticks of butter
1 C brown sugar (packed)
1/2 C granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 t vanilla
1 1/2 C flour
1 t Baking Soda
1/2 t kosher salt
3 C  Quaker Oats

Preheat oven to 350. Blend butter and add both the brown and granulated sugar and blend. Then add the eggs and the vanilla and blend. Add the flour, baking soda and salt and mix together. Add oats and mix well. Drop by scoopful onto cookie sheet, and "don't crowd the cookies" or they'll run into each other instead of remaining separate and individual little cookies. Bake for 10 minutes, 11 if you must. Take them out. Trust me, they will still look a little uncooked on top, but about 10 seconds out of the oven, they'll be fine and you will indeed have a "chewy" oatmeal cookie.

He just walked by munching on a cookie hot from the cookie sheet: "These are great." What a nice thing to say. :)

Recipe Source: Quaker Oatmeal Canister Lid

Here are some cool Toy Story 3 links:
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  1. Hooray!!! Thank you Eric for helping me with my computer stuff even after your long days at work. I really do appreciate you! I am happy for your whole family that it's done. I hope you get, or got to take a few days off together!

  2. I am so glad it is done. I know how hard you have worked and we missed you alot during these last few months. Congradulations and hope for many more years at Disney for you. Your whole family is so proud of you...and Suz and Em.. Hip hip hooray and thank you too Suz and Em.. it has been a hard year.. Love Mom
