Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bonneville Jr. High School Brownies

I think that Jamie Oliver is on to something about our school lunches, but my experience as a kid was that hot lunch at school was usually pretty good, at least in the earlier grades. So when I found a lunch lady's recipe through Pinterest for brownies I wondered if it would be any good. I've found out the hard way that I have to be wary of Pinterest recipes. Everything is not as good as it looks. But the story that these came from a lunch lady added enough "credibility" to give the recipe a try.

They turned out to be really good. They were soft and the frosting was soft too, so best served from the pan they were made in. (I made another good recipe for brownies that are a little more portable for picnics.)

1 C butter (softened)
1/2 C Cocoa
2 C flour
2 C sugar
4 eggs
4 t vanilla
1 C chopped nuts (optional)

I mixed them as per the blog instructions, but next time I'll mix the wet ingredients with the wet and then add the dry. (I'm more of a "simplify" kind of person.) Combine the ingredients and prepare a 9 x 13 pan with butter/flour. Bake at 350 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. When they're done, cool to lukewarm and frost.

1/4 C butter softened
1/4 C milk
1/4 C cocoa
3 C powdered sugar
Dash of salt

Mix together while the brownies are cooling. Use an electric mixer. When it's blended it's ready to go.

Recipe Source: Saltbox House Cooking Exchange: Lunch Lady Brownies (and the Bonneville Junior High Lunch Lady)

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